Tag Archives: work

Waiting/Moving/Life Changes

Now we wait. We have to wait for two weeks to find out if we’re going to have a baby. I hate waiting.

We are hoping that we can conceive before we are scheduled to move in January. It would be so much easier if we don’t have to have Donor go to a bank and donate and then have it frozen and blah blah blah. That means we have one cycle (maybe two if we put off moving until the end of January) more to go before we hit the road.

As I posted yesterday, I quit my job. It was a hard decision to make considering that I am going to have more responsibility (which I welcome). I was hoping to be able to take my job with me and telecommute, but under the current circumstance, I don’t even want to do that.  I am hoping that moving and starting over will bring me some good luck and I will finally be able to land a job that I love, not just one that pays the bills.




A Step Forward

I’m exhausted. I quit my job (don’t worry, I have a bunch of paid time off that I can cash out) and my last day is December 15th. This is awesome. Now we will have time to get our house in order before we leave this small townish big city, and move to the real big city.

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Less stress is awesome.