Tag Archives: insemination

Just got back from the donor’s house.

I am boiling some pasta for QW. I figured that I would write a quick post while that’s cookin’!

We are on our fifth go round.

This has to be the reason we are stuck in this city… We’re supposed to get preggers before we move. Yeah, that’s it. 🙂

I have a positive outlook. I feel much more relaxed with each try.


Fingers crossed!


Trying again

We are trying again. We thought that we would wait a couple of months after we finish the move, but we changed our minds st the last minute. Last night was our first insemination of this cycle.

Wish us luck!

Laying around

I hate laying around on a Friday night at the mercy of the baby gods but here I am. We inseminated this afternoon at the donor’s place again so in addition to reclining in my seat all the way home, I’m a bed patatah tonight.  Oh the things one does for motherhood!

Lucky for me QH made dinner so I could be leisurely. I would post a pic of the sauteed eggplant, onion, and garlic in olive oil, then simmered in tomatah sauce BUT we wolfed it. You can be sure it was deelish. So while I’m being tended to (who knew I’d have this life without having a flu), I find myself a little frustrated. I can’t stand around in the kitchen and intervene on her making dinner, throwing my 3 cents in there. Instead, alls I can do is watch the Law and Orders while trying not to be very aware of the squishy in my South Virginia, feeling like it’s all oosing out, all those swimmers nowhere near the finish line.

Laying here gives me too much time to think. Did we put too much Pre-seed lube in the Instead Cup? Have I dropped an egg? Are they swimming to the egg like good kids? Can I even get pregnant? Are we going to be disappointed? Can I be unaffected if we get another Not Pregnant? These questions are less fun than what are we gonna name her? I love your grandma but not her name so much. She’s the sweetest grandma in the world but…

So far the biggest physical torture is that I have to be careful with the laptop so I don’t bake the sperm. That article I read on Gawker that warned doods that the heat can kill their sperm has to mean it can kill ours too, right? Maybe. I’m not taking any chances, no lap, I’m writing this from laying on my stomach.

Queer Hubby just brought in the Cherry Garcia which will do until they make Strawberry Garcia. ~exhale~ What can I say? I want a kid way bad, I know daddy does too. I hope my biology can bring it.


The Weekend is Almost Here!

We are planning on having a great weekend. In fact, we are really hoping that this is the weekend we get knocked up!

After I get off of work today, QW is going to pick me up and we are heading over to Donor’s house for our third insemination of this cycle.

The first time we tried to conceive, I felt like a nervous wreck the whole time. I didn’t want to mess anything up. I wanted to make sure that QW was comfortable and happy (which I still do of course). I couldn’t wait to take for my love to take a home pregnancy test, even though I knew it was too soon and I knew it would more than likely be negative because of that.

This time, everything feels different. I am not a huge ball of nerves. I feel much cooler about everything. Don’t get me wrong, I am still excited as hell, but this time I don’t feel crazy. I guess that we should look at our first go-round not as a failure to conceive, but as a practice run to attempt to conceive with the least amount of stress and anxiety as possible. I saw that in the first cycle I didn’t mess anything up. I didn’t drop the sample, I didn’t hurt QW while doing the insemination, and I didn’t do anything that could hinder her from becoming pregnant. I now know that I know what I am doing (for the most part) and I am becoming a pro at my job!

This time around I feel confident. Confident that we will comfortably inseminate. Confident that the “waiting period” will be stress free. Confident I won’t bug my honey bunny every three seconds asking her, “so, do you feel pregnant?!?!?” I am confident that we will conceive. It may not be this cycle, although I sure as heck am hoping so, but it will be soon.

I think the greatest thing about this is that we have such an awesome relationship. We absolutely trust each other. And man, do I love my QueerWife. She’s the bees knees. She’s going to make such a rad mommy.



Round 2.2

Today was our second day inseminating for this cycle. I think we really have it down now. It seems as if it gets easier every time. We went over to our donor’s house and hung out for a bit while he did his thing. We decided that it was probably best to do the inseminating as soon as possible after he made his donation, as to ensure that the sperm didn’t all die. When I say that we’ve got it down, we really do. We were finished in about three minutes!

We found out today that one of our closest friends is pregnant! She is the fourth person in our immediate circle that is pregnant. We hope that the luck will rub off on us.

As I write, QW is laying with her booty in the air. Our dogs are being really sweet and needy. I suppose that it is time to turn in for the evening.